Velocity trampolines are a great value range of trampolines and are a fantastic purchase for those that do not want to compromise on safety or quality! Our design brief was to build trampolines suitable for all to use but to represent excellent value for money. Frame Constructed with 1.6mm HOT galvanised top frame, the HOT galvanisation process ensures that the trampoline frame sections are galvanised inside and out. This will ensure the trampoline remains robust for many years and is suitably strong for even the heaviest of users. An extra strong set of T Tube / box joints constructed with 2mm thick coated steel at the top of each leg provides huge strength at what is traditionally the weak point of a trampoline. Springs 36 Galvanised and Zinc plated 116mm High Tension springs. This is the optimum number of springs required to give the maximum bounce for the lighter than average user weight. Bounce Mat Made in the USA and manufactured from Grade A Permatron. Permatron is a unique mate
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