The most delicate fabrics, such as wool and cashmere, will keep their natural softness and brightness, thanks to the gentle and precise motion and sophisticated temperature management system provided by the appliance. Approved by Woolmark. Quality is our number one priority. That's why H-DRY 300 PLUS was designed with exceptional attention to details and new improved features like the Double Filter. Heat Pump Tumble Dryers work in a similar way to condenser tumble dryers. They use a heat pump to reuse the hot air that is normally lost, and recycle this air through the drum. This reuse of energy makes heat pump tumble dryers the most efficient type of tumble dryer. The new design of Aquavision makes enables you to always see the level of water. It is easy to remove and replace into the dryer, and it's an unique system created by Hoover. Your Tumble Dryer maintenance has never been so clever. Thanks to the new Hoover Double Filter solution, you will find both the filters inside the door for easy removal and cleaning. Hoover takes care of your laundry and takes care of your health too. It neutralizes the main allergens and gets rid of dust mites, pet hair, pollens and powder detergent residuals, without stressing the fibres of your garments. This is possible, thanks to a special system that mixes controlled temperatures, time and movement, in order to hygienise your garments in the best way.